The "Mail Account Setup" dialog is displayed. After you provide your account information (real name, email address and password), Thunderbird will automatically configure your Gmail connection. Click Done, sign in with your Google account if prompted and that's all! Thunderbird will download your existing messages and your Gmail will be ready

A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off. Mar 09, 2018 · Setup Gmail in Windows 10 Mail App. To get started, let’s setup the Mail app first. The great thing about the three apps in Windows 10 is that they are all integrated. Once you add your Google account to the one app, it will automatically be added to the other two apps too. If Outlook is taking a very long time to setup Gmail, re-open Microsoft Outlook and try again. 5. Click on OK, when you see Account Setup is complete pop-up. Make Gmail as Default in Outlook. If the plan is to use Gmail in Microsoft Outlook most of the times, you can designate your Gmail Address as the default Email Account in Outlook. Select File > Add Account. Enter your email address and click Connect. Outlook will launch a Gmail window that asks for your password. Enter the password and select Sign in. Important: Once If you have previously enabled 2-factor authentication for Gmail, you'll be prompted to enter the code Jun 15, 2020 · Log in to your Gmail account, click on the gear icon and select Settings -> Accounts and Import. Choose Add a mail account under the Check mail from other accounts section. After you entered your domain email, click Next -> Import emails from my other account (POP3) -> Next. Fill in the details using the server information we located earlier.

Dec 26, 2019 · Let’s delve into this question to see why one should use a free Gmail SMTP server. If you are a small business or an individual with minimal email volume, then free Gmail SMTP can be considered a good option as a daily driver for your outgoing emails. It offers several other benefits that you might want to consider:

Create a Gmail account Go to the Google Account creation page. Follow the steps on the screen to set up your account. Use the account you created to sign in to Gmail. To sign up for Gmail, create a Google Account. You can use the username and password to sign in to Gmail and other Google products such as YouTube, Google Play and Google Drive. Go to the Google A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off.

Oct 14, 2019 · In this video I show you how to set up your Gmail on your iPhone. You can do it the easy way by using downloading the free Gmail app or you can do it inside the Mac Enter your Password (different from your Gmail Account password) and press the Enter Key on the keyboard of your computer. 4. Follow the next set of instructions to complete the setup of your Windows 10 computer. Once your computer is setup, you will be able to login to the computer and make purchases on Windows store using your Gmail Account. 2.