I’m afraid that FaceTime is an Apple technology that they have not opened to third parties. That means that it is available only when communication happens only between Apple devices using Apple operating systems. Kindle Fires use as operating sys
Can you use FaceTime on Kindle Fire? - Quora I’m afraid that FaceTime is an Apple technology that they have not opened to third parties. That means that it is available only when communication happens only between Apple devices using Apple operating systems. Kindle Fires use as operating sys How to get the most out of your Kindle Fire HD | PCWorld Dec 07, 2012
Help! Santa can't afford the iPad. Will the Kindle Fire do
Can Amazon Kindle Fire Get Hacked? Learn How to Prevent This May 13, 2019
May 18, 2020
Oct 03, 2013 How To Use Alexa on Your Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet May 18, 2020