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VPN – Wikipedia VPN (Virtual Private Network) eli virtuaalinen erillisverkko on tapa, jolla kaksi tai useampia yrityksen verkkoja voidaan yhdistää julkisen verkon yli muodostaen näennäisesti yksityisen verkon.Nykyisin VPN-määritelmä on laajennettu koskemaan myös yksittäisten etätyöasemien liittämistä yrityksen verkkoon. OpenVPN – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre O OpenVPN é um software livre e open-source para criar redes privadas virtuais do tipo ponto-a-ponto ou server-to-multiclient através de túneis criptografados entre computadores. Ele é capaz de estabelecer conexões diretas entre computadores mesmo que estes estejam atrás de Nat Firewalls sem necessidade de reconfiguração da sua rede. Ele foi escrito por James Yonan e publicado sob Unblock Wikipedia With a VPN | How to Securely Access Wikipedia. Securely access Wikipedia anytime and anywhere with VPN. Search for anything and anyone on Wikipedia - may it be a celebrity, event, country, book, movie, etc. Be safe on the internet with VPN. VPN – Wikipédia

How to Securely Access Wikipedia. Securely access Wikipedia anytime and anywhere with VPN. Search for anything and anyone on Wikipedia - may it be a celebrity, event, country, book, movie, etc. Be safe on the internet with VPN.

VPN Virtual Private Network ose VPN është një term për të cilin keni mundur të mos dëgjoni, por po bëhet më i zakonshëm këtyre viteve.Bizneset e kompanive të ndryshme në ditët e sotme nuk jane njtë lokalizuara vetëm në një lokacion por janë te shtrira në tërë rajonin apo më gjërë.Në mënyrë që komunikimi mes degëve te kompanisë të jetë sa më i sigurt, më i

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Jaringan pribadi virtual atau jaringan pribadi maya (VPN) memperluas jaringan pribadi di jaringan publik dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirim dan menerima data di jaringan bersama atau publik seolah-olah perangkat komputasi mereka terhubung langsung ke jaringan pribadi. Aplikasi yang berjalan melintasi VPN dapat memanfaatkan fungsi, keamanan, dan manajemen jaringan pribadi. Outline VPN - Wikipedia Outline VPN is a free and open-source tool that deploys Shadowsocks servers on multiple cloud service providers. The software suite also includes client software for multiple platforms.Outline was developed by Jigsaw, a technology incubator created by Google. [3] MPLS VPN - Wikipedia MPLS VPN is a family of methods for using multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) to create virtual private networks (VPNs). MPLS VPN is a flexible method to transport and route several types of network traffic using an MPLS backbone. There are three types of MPLS VPNs deployed in networks today: 1. Point-to-point 2. Layer 2 (VPLS) 3. OpenVPN – Wikipedia OpenVPN on GNU GPL-lisenssin alainen SSL VPN-ohjelmisto.Se on saatavilla Solaris-, Linux-, OpenBSD-, FreeBSD-, NetBSD-, QNX-, Mac OS X-, Raspberry Pi- ja Windows 2000-8-tietokoneille, sekä joihinkin Maemo-, Windows Mobile-, iOS ja Android-alypuhelimille.Toisin, kuin useimmat SSL VPN -järjestelmät, ei siihen oteta yhteyttä selaimella, vaan asiakaskoneeseen on asennettava OpenVPN-ohjelmisto.